I miss these girls!
Saturday morning I went to a bridal brunch for a girl I've known my whole life, Brooke. With a short trip back, I was grateful to be able to see so many people.
Some of the girls at the shower...

Bailie, the beautiful Bride-to-Be, and Me

After the shower, my mom and I headed to Nashville for the wedding of Kristin and Clayton. Kristin and I met at Ole Miss and have been friends ever since. She and Clayton have dated off and on since they were in high school so it was great to finally see them tie the knot. The wedding was beautiful.
The bride and groom's first dance

Me and the beautiful Bride...
Kristin lived in San Diego for a while and now lives in Virginia Beach so we don't see each other as often as we'd like. Luckily in 2009 we were able to see each other a few times. I always love hearing of her adventures -- her husband is a Navy Seal which gives them an exciting life.
After the reception, we drove back to Somerville. On Sunday we went to my Grandparent's house for lunch where my entire family gets together every Sunday. We ate lots of yummy food and I was able to see aunts, uncles, and cousins to catch up on what was going on with everyone. Sadly, Catherine was still in New York City shaping young minds through a program called Teach for America. Catherine and I are cousins, but we've grown up more like sisters. We were born 9 months apart and have been inseparable most of our lives -- but thats for another post.
I'll give you a little sneak peak of one of my favorite people...
Us at my Bridesmaids Luncheon
My niece at my grandparents for Sunday lunch - Isn't she adorable?
Sunday night I met a few more friends from back home for dinner...
Jordan, Me, Keith, and Bailie
I love these people. We've been friends since we were young -- some of us since Kindergarten. I miss them and am ready for them to come visit us in Utah (hint-hint)
David spent his weekend in Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) training, a requirement for his residency. It is a 2 day course for doctors who treat victims of major trauma. In class he learned some cool procedures like putting in chest tubes, placing central lines, and intubating.
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