This August 29th marked the first anniversary of our marriage. To celebrate a fabulous year as husband and wife, we spent a long weekend in Yellowstone, Grand Tetons National Park, and Jackson Hole,WY.
It was great to visit these places that I'd heard of since childhood. One thing I love about living out west is the unlimited number of weekend trips, so many of which are a short 4 hour drive away - like this one.Yellowstone National Park was beautiful. I'd love to go back again for some of the great hikes, but there is so much you can see just by driving through.
What they gave us at the entrance...
Got to love the imagery
Steam coming up from the earth. A large portion of Yellowstone NP sits atop a caldera, or a cauldron-like volcanic feature usually formed by the collapse of land following a volcanic eruption. It's what makes Yellowstone so incredible, housing half of earth's geothermal features in this one place.

At Artist's Point
Ofcourse, we had to see Yellowstone's most famous geyser...
Old Faithful
Old Faithful
Literally boiling from the earth
Beautiful hydrothermal hot springs
And great wildlife too.
Yellowstone Lake
Amazing, Julie! So glad you all are enjoying the beautiful West! Miss you!