We did see AC Slater filming a clip for Extra...
And we went by the famous Egyptian Theatre where just the night before Robert Redford spoke at the opening of the festival...
Later that weekend David and I ventured out to the Canyons Resort where we have season passes. Everything being so crowded made us wish the festival was over, but we had a great time on all of the fresh powder.

The next weekend we attended a film with some friends. We saw the Grand Jury Prize Documentary, Restrepo, about the deployment of a platoon of US soldiers to Afganistan's Korengal Valley. Apparently the Korengal valley is one of the most dangerous postings in the US military. The film was great and very enlightening.
Whoo hoo -- Sundance tickets!
Just a little excited
Me, Emily, and Haley -- Of course the husbands weren't up for a pic.
You've officially done a whole heck of a lot more than I have in Utah, and I've lived here for 10 years! I guess I'm not a "get out of the house" kinda girl :)